At FXLiveCapital we want every purchase you make to bring you closer to new challenges and opportunities! With our Loyalty Points program, you earn points every time you purchase one of our products. These points are cumulative and redeemable for future purchases, meaning the more you participate, the more benefits you will get!
Imagine a system where, every time you buy a challenge, you also invest in your next goals at no additional cost. Loyalty Points are our way of thanking you and making sure your experience with us is even more rewarding.
Although points are not cashable, they do give you access to more products, challenges, and tools that will help you continue to grow with us!
To keep track of your accumulated points, go to the following icon:
Don't miss this opportunity! Accumulate, redeem and keep boosting your progress with FXLiveCapital
. Every purchase is an investment in your future successes!