Imagine you need to transfer funds to another account you’ve already created. This is possible, and there are no fees involved.
There are two ways to make this transfer:
Option 1: Via the "Transfer (Internal)" Section

Select the account with the funds: In this case, enter the account number, e.g., 95818 .

Select the account that will receive the funds.

Click the "Transfer" button, and you're done!

- Option 2: Via the "Trading Platform" Section
Access the trading platform where you can complete the transfer.
Click on the three dots next to the account with the funds, as shown in the image.
Select "Transfer Funds".

You will be automatically redirected to the transfer section, where you can follow the same steps as mentioned above.
In case of any delays, feel free to contact our support team, and they will review the transfer for you.
email: [email protected]